Help us give hope to someone today
Why give?
Local Disciples, Inc helps give help to our local community members who are trying their best to make it through life, but have fallen on hard times. It could be a family who uses one car for the whole family to get the kids to school, to get back and forth to work, and to take care of basic needs, and that car breaks down. It could be the elderly couple down the street or in your church that has their water heater go out, and they cannot afford to fix it on their limited fixed income.
We focus on the people who are often forgotten or overlooked in our community. They are the people who are not necessarily homeless, but who are struggling to survive.
Our mission is to bring hope to those who feel hopeless. It may be the last thing in a long list of things that pushes them over the edge and they are overwhelmed. It may be something that may not seem like much to some, but to that person or that family, it may be their whole world crashing down.
Please consider helping us keep our donations local to the communities we serve, and help us bring hope.
Get started
Our mission is to give hope to those in need. We started this organization with donations from our founding members. These funds only go so far and allow us to help a small number of people. We rely on your generosity to help us continue to give hope to those who have lost all hope. Please consider giving a one-time, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annual donation to our organization, to continue to allow us to give hope to someone today.
Giving FAQs
All of our donations stay local to the communities we serve. We never send any donations overseas. The only exception to remaining local is if our organization mobilizes to aid in natural disasters within the United States, such as hurricane, flooding, or wildfire relief. We will still never send any donations overseas, but we recognize there may be times when devastation causes our fellow American Citizens to experience a terrible loss, and we may elect to mobilize to assist in some of those situations.
Donations are processed in two categories. They will either go to our general fund, or towards a specific cause. Running the organization is expensive. We pay for phone, internet, email, and website services, utilities, gas for the vehicles used, equipment, and eventually a facility to offer more stable business hours, and staff to run the organization. If money is designated to the general fund, some of the donations will be used for these purposes as well as for our missions. If we run a campaign for a specific cause, we will put a specific link to the cause on donations page, and funds collected for those causes will only go towards the causes, unless there is an overage. Any overage will be moved to the general fund, if the fund collects more than the mission ends up costing.
Our organization has started the process with the IRS to obtain our 501(c)(3) status. This process can take a few months. We are still allowed to take donations, and are still taking donations and using the donations to help our fellow brothers and sisters in need. At this time, donations collected are not tax deductible, until the IRS completes their side of the process and officially designates our organization as a 501(c)(3) charity. Rest assured, we are working as fast as we can to ensure this process moves as fast as possible. Once the IRS grants us the 501(c)(3) status, we will make an announcement and our website will be updated to reflect the new status.
We do not want to wait until the IRS processes the application to start giving hope to our fellow community members. Please still consider giving to our cause to help those who need assistance before the status is obtained.
No. While we are a religious non-profit organization, we do not require anyone be affiliated with a church or religion to request, obtain, or provide help. We launched this organization because we felt lead by God to start the organization and continue the works of our Savior, Jesus Christ. While we would love to help lead people to the Lord, it is not something we will ever pressure anyone into, beyond a prayer before leaving out to help, and a God bless when we leave. If you want to attend church, you are of course free to ask and we will certainly invite you to a service at one of our partner churches.
Absolutely! We would love to have you volunteer your time with us. We are always looking for people who are able to volunteer their time, have a skill such as plumbing, electrical, HVAC, construction, mechanic, or other abilities. If you have time or want to offer your skills to assist those in need, we would always welcome your help. Often, those we help will have needs for a skilled service such as their vehicle breaking down, or water heater going out. We may be able to collect the funding, but we may not have anyone who could do the work.
Does that mean you have to have a special skill set to be able to volunteer? Not at all. We need volunteers all the time. Just being available to leap into action when someone needs you is so important to our mission.
No matter what you think you may be able to bring to the table, just being there for someone is so amazing. Please reach out today and let us know you want to be put on our volunteer roster!